Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Intro: Music Saved My Life - Part I

Music Saved My Life - Part 1

  I grew up loving music. I played the piano at 8, played guitar at 13, had a band at 16, saw concerts since I was 10. At that time I was into Kiss, Hendrix, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Led Zep, and Rush. Then I heard Eddie Van Halen.
   It meant the world to me. Saw VH play live in 1982 when I was learning still to play guitar and Eddie sounded to me like nothing I had ever heard before. It was like as if he was playing simply more than my ear could hear. At this time music completely enriched my life, my creativity, my imagination. Gave me the ability to see I am a creative soul.
  Throughout highschool anything with a guitar mattered though mostly. I ran the gammut from every classic rock band to 80s heavy metal, then the thrash and death metal. Anything with a blazing guitar, fast heavy and violent sounded was appealing to me. I was going to every concert that came in to town, everyone I knew loved Van Halen and the Scorpions, Guns and Roses and Metallica had not quite hit yet, but were on their way. My first revelation I had sometime after high school when I met a girl a few years younger than I and was listening to a vast array of things I didnt know. But it was always like that. It took years for a band to get heard. You would find out about a band and say "Who are they?" and then discover they had 3 albums. But what this girl showed to me, that Metal-nor my love for Metal in particular will never die. There will always be someone to say "Hey check this out" and I became one of those people.
  I would share with anyone who seemed to love Heavy music bands like Sepultura, Trouble, and Amorphis.
And my friends showed me Soundgarden, Testament, and even Metallica (you only heard about Metallica from a friend- they werent on the radio or Mtv)
  Somewhere around the year 1992 though, things were getting bland and as the MTV generation took over and new wave had became old wave and 120 minutes edged out Head Bangers' Ball, I couldnt get into what seemingly was being forced at me. I was in my early 20s, and going to clubs, mostly alternative and dance music, which I never ever liked to begin with. I was falling out of love with death metal, as it degraded more and more into black metal and whatever bastardized cross-over flavor of the month. I would just say that's all been done already. Its not re-inventing if during the explosion of death metal they had already did it, Like Death or Carcass. There wasn't any undiscovered bands anymore. Just missing ones. (Whatever happened to Celtic Frost?)

Then it happened - I got bit by the music bug again. I fell in love with it all over.

But this time I was Pissed off

Next: Gothic and Industrial teach me a few steps.

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