Saturday, January 29, 2011

Return to Finland III - The Chameleons

Return to Finland III Chameleons
Velcra and Silentium change their colors - 
  This installment, the final one for this Return to Finland, I focus on 3 songs which are in my favorites, from 2 bands which have changed their style - or 'colors', like a chameleon would. It is a trend in the sub-genres for bands to not be so loyal to their own scene whereas they just completely abandon it. The downside is the major portion of their fanbase tends to get alienated by such switches, the plus side would be if the band comes out with better material than the previous incarnation, and keeps their main fanbase but gains fans of the new genre as well. The most well known switch is Metallica's jump from true thrash metal to a more accessable mainstream metal sound.
   I was one of those fans lost in the fray from Metallica's switch. My dismay and disgust for the band is well known amongst my friends. After  ...And Justice  I just knew that the band was ready for a new direction. Then I was taken back by how mad they were about Not getting an Award. (The Grammy snub for a Heavy Metal release went to Jethro Tull) As a metal fan it showed to me how they saw themselves striving for a wider acceptance from a larger audience. Crying over not getting an award is so NOT METAL. Where was the Metallica I knew long ago? - the Metal Up Your Ass Metallica? Then came in Bob Rock to make them into a  weaker, softer, less edgy - but award acceptable,  band. They did gain a larger audience by far. I did buy the CD known as Metallica (a slap in the face to the fan base, self-title an albulm that sounds nothing like your entire discography) I took the CD to a CD-Exchange (they gave me $7.00 I think) the Same Day I bought it. The clerk asked me "What? Are you Crazy?" I said "No man- that's not Metallica. I think they were kidnapped in the Amazon. they recorded some other band - that's why there's no pictures on it".
  Plain and simple, I was pissed off. I would say "The Black Albulm" was actually first named "Sad, but True". This was the level of dismay I had for them. And each successive release they got lamer and weaker. It has taken quite a long time but there is some of the backlash regarding Metallica coming out. I just felt it since day one. I also tossed one of the CDs from the double set "Garage, Inc (1998)" - after hearing "Turn the Page" on the radio - from my car right out the window onto the causeway! Yeah, 7 years later and still pissed off.
  So now that brings me to Velcra. I have already included several links here in my listings of this Finnish crossover band. (see previous postings: Finland, Starting Point II and Attack of Velcra) They originally started out as a quite aggressive metal/industrial band with some rap elements and other influences. There was some hints though, that their electronic side would become more emphasized. With the release of Hadal (2007), they became a mostly electronic band. Its a stark jump from what I had totally fallen in love with only a year before... But that wouldnt stop me from giving it a good listen. I found 2 outstanding tracks to share here. Most of Hadal is atmospheric, almost etheral. The electronic parts show at times a wide array of experimentation. But you have to give it up to these Fins - They are a talented bunch. Unfortunately, they have not recorded anything since and it appears Hadal might have been Velcra's swan song. I hope not, I certainly hope they continue to work together.
  Another band from Finland, Silentium also shares this posting, having changed from their very heavy, experimental Gothic Metal beginnings with one of my very favorite tracks from their totally Symphonic Metal release, Amortean (2009). You can look back at a few of my previous postings (FFM, Return to Finland I). I give them very high praise. I suppose I am not so jaded from my Dismay of Metallica that I can't appreciate when an artist changes its colors like a chameleon does. I guess as long as it doesnt totally suck.

Velcra - New Recruit (Industrial / Electronica, Finland 2007)
  This song from Velcras' mostly ambient-electronica release has the dynamics I tend to like in my collection. Being a metalhead with goth tendencies leads me to add industrial and electronica into my eclectic taste. Which, includes the obvious bands like Ministry, NIN, Prodigy, Frontline Assembly, Front242, Nitzer Ebb & AndOne. This song does not quite fit that group but somehow it gives me just enough metal sounds, just enough punchy dance beats, a great memorable melody (something Velcra is very good at) and another awesome performance by singer Jessi Fray as she slips between soft melodies, sweet whispers and quasi-rap. I like the add-on feeling of each section, each verse and chorus has its own bells and whistles. Interestingly, the barely audible chorus "we want you, we want you as a new recruit" fits the chameleon mentality. How is it possible I can fall in love with such an array of sounds? The answer out there, is blowing me away.

Velcra - We Must Start Again (Industrial / Electronica, Finland 2007)
  One of my very favorite songs out of my entire listings, We Must Start Again does something that very rarely any song from any genre - not even Progressive Metal does. It actually changes colors. Its like you can see the colors go from white wispy clouds to clear blue mists and the darkest of seas as a story is begun to be told. Building on each section, this song climbs such beautiful heights, you might totally miss the songs' intention, one telling of a massive destruction from mother nature. A story of rebuilding. Which parallels the songs' actual structure. It simply keeps building. It- within itself- starts again, as titled, a few times. The vocals here are perfect. The sub chorus is a sheer delight. "your fingertips are cold and ticklish/ Your kisses on my neck- like little fish". I worry though about the Locusts arriving and apparently they arrive with a tremendous force. The final section is a delicously heavy pounding riff switching off into a double-stop syncopated, heart-accelerating beat as the bells, the keyboard hits all sit between. Truly Glorious. If you are going to change your colors, do it with glory such as this.

Silentium - Cradle of the Nameless (Symphonic Metal, Finland 2009)
  Yes I have included postings from Silentium here in my listings already, but from their gothic metal of 2010, Amortean is their most recent release and its a big change from them. The gloomy, dreadful doom sounds are gone. The solo cello and lone piano moments have been switched with full orchestration. The male vocals switched to full choirs. But luckily for us, stand-out singer Riina Rinkinen is still on board and in this song, though the singing is sparse, it is great. This epic song could be featured as background music for just about any fantasy-adventure styled movie. Notice though in their back catalog, that was what they were all about. Ambiance and atmosphere. It still translates here. Though I must admit it does not break any new ground. It does reflect to influences of Nightwish and others (they ARE from Finland after all). What I enjoy about this song is how it changes, like a chameleon and the other 2 songs above it. From this perspective, the song sounds like a massive undertaking and you feel like you are going with them, the angels singing, forests enchanted, hills of green, treacherous terrain, rain, sword fights. Its all there, just close your eyes. Just dont forget at any moment how spectacular her vocals are. Her tone is soft and clear. When needed, she sings well above the heavy parts. The middle section breaks down and rebuilds. The ending, fierce and deliberate. There are other great songs, all in differing styles to offer on this CD but for me this song goes for total victory and accomplishes it.
  Perhaps Silentium will join the list of bands to successfully change their colors and continue to grow as artists. They have changed more than once. Whereas Velcra I am afraid are not continuing on. I can only do as I would anyhow, and tell others about these little known bands. And if I was lucky enough to have one of their CDs I would promise not to toss them out of a car at high velocity onto the causeway as I drive my way out to south beach.

Next Posting: Obvious? Omissions & The Greatest Moment in the History of Symphonic Metal. You wouldnt want to miss it. Thankfully with youtube, we will feel as if we were there.

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